Summer Institute on Global Economic and Security Order

The Osgood Institute on the Global Economic and Security Order:
Concepts, Conflict, and Cooperation
Washington D.C.
July 19-August 9, 2018

Program Description

The Osgood Institute is a three-week long program aiming at improving students’ understanding of international affairs, engaging students with first-line practitioners and organizations in the world of international relations, and helping students forge their own career path in this field.

The Institute offers an in-depth analysis of the historical evolution of the international system, international economics, and current issues in international affairs. During the institute, participants will be able to have interactions with ambassadors, senators, Generals, journalists and other first-line practitioners in IR world. Visits and seminars in various think tanks, international institutions, embassies, and government agencies located in Washington, DC are included so that participants will not only be able to understand how these organizations operate, but also learn how people in these organizations start their career and build up their career paths. For participants willing to pursue graduate studies, there will be opportunities to engage with admissions officials, former students and professors from programs at renowned graduate schools in Washington DC.

Why the Institute

The Osgood Center supports international affairs education across the board, but it has a special interest in helping students who are interested in qualifying for graduate schools in international affairs. Each such school has its own emphases, but in general entry into these institutions requires more than good grades and high GRE scores. It even requires more than solid TOEFL scores or extensive course work in Political Science. Typically, these programs seek applicants with relevant practical backgrounds, study abroad experience, multi-disciplinary courses, knowledgeable mentors who write excellent letters of recommendation, focused essays, and strong sense of personal direction (re careers and goals). Perhaps this is why the average entering age for students in professional schools of international affairs is now 26.

As an international student you may not be aware of these requirements. As an American student, you may have assumed that professional schools and traditional International Relations concentrations within Political Science programs have similar requirements. The Osgood Center Institute can help clarify the expectations, issues, and experiences that can assist in your efforts with APSIA schools. It can help you fulfill the requirements. The Institute is five weeks long. It is conducted in English. It offers participants in depth analysis of the historical evolution of the international system, international economics, and current issues in international affairs while also allowing participants to interact with renowned professors, current and former practitioners, and journalists. Participants also Perhaps most importantly, the participants meet Admissions officials, former students and professors from programs at Georgetown Walsh School, Johns Hopkins SAIS, George Washington Elliott School and the American University School of International Service.

Washington, DC is a strategic information hub. The Brookings Institution, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Hudson Institute, the Woodrow Wilson Center for International scholars are just a few of the institutions whose open lectures participants will visit. The Department of State, the Pentagon, the IMF, and the World Bank are also in DC and will host the participants in briefing sessions. Journalists from Politico, Foreign Policy Magazine, the Washington Post, and others will host or meet the students.

At the end of the institute, students will have a far better understanding of international affairs and what next steps they must take to forge a career path in this field. International students will have mastered an advanced program in English far from home and American students will have met and interacted socially and intellectually with students from other countries and cultures. Students will earn a certificate from the Institute.

Dates and Location

This program will be held in Washington D.C. from July 19 to August 9, 2018.

Program Cost

The program cost is $2995 for three weeks. However, participants can choose to attend two weeks’ for $2095 or for $845 any single week. Application fee is $150. Full payment is expected one month before your participation.


Housing is the responsibility of each participant. For affordable housing options in the DC area, please contact us to reserve appropriate space.


Scholarships starting from $500 to full scholarship is available. To apply for scholarship, please provide your relevant FAFSA information or special circumstances attached to your application.


Eligibility to apply is limited to students who have finished their sophomore year of college through three years post college graduation. We expect you to be in good standing academically with your home institution and that you can provide an unofficial transcript if requested.

Refund Policy

Full payment due by June 1, 2017. No refunds after June 20, 2017.

Application Process

To apply for the program, please fill in the application form and mail or email to us. Mailing address and email address is at the bottom of the application form. The Program is filling up quickly. Be sure to send in your Program Applications quickly to secure your spots! Applications accepted as long as space is available.

For more information, please contact us:

The Osgood Center
1629 K. St, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC, 20006
or call: 202-349-1698, X11698