Shelly Williams – Author

Shelton Williams

Shelton L Williams (Shelly) writes and talks for a living. His book sales’ “profits” go either to the non-profit, The Osgood Center for International Studies, or Rotary International.

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About Shelly


Shelly Williams is an educator and a storyteller. He is in his fifty-first year of college and university teaching. He’s written books on Asia, nuclear proliferation, and world politics. All that led him into diplomacy and government service. The State Department gave him a Superior Performance medal for work at the 1995 NPT Review Conference. Even today, he runs the Osgood Center for International Studies where students come to DC to experience diplomacy, politics, and DC itself in this transformational era of U.S. Foreign Policy. A Johns Hopkins Ph. D. helped make all this possible.

But Shelly grew up in Texas. He went to the school and played on the football team that eventually made the phrase “Friday Night Lights” famous. His experiences in Texas and his perspectives gradually led him to write about crime and society. The books below, both non-fiction and fiction, address those events and those views. There will be more of them.

The Books:

About The Books:

More about Shelly

CURRICULUM VITAE: Shelton L. (Shelly) Williams
Birth date: July 13, 1944
Ph.D. – The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), 1971
M.A. – SAIS, 1968 (with distinction)
B.A. – The University of Texas, 1966, with High Honors
Phi Beta Kappa, Special Honors in Government


2004-present – President, The Osgood Center for International Studies
2005-present – Visiting Professor, Norwich University, Masters Program in Diplomacy
1970-2008 – Austin College, Professor, Political Science, Emeritus 1997-2005 – Director, Leadership Institute
1988-94 – Director, International Education
1982-87 – Dean, Social Science Division
1978-81 – Director, College Honors Program
Other: Director, Summer Symposium on Foreign Policy in Washington, DC,
1981-present; Director, Model United Nations, 1983-2005; Chair, Committee on Educational Resources, Re-accreditation for the Southern Association of Colleges, 1997-1998; Faculty Executive Committee, 1991-1993, Chair, 1992-93; Selection Committee for VPAA, elected as Faculty At -Large Representative, 1999, Curriculum Review Committee, elected At-Large, 2000.


2017 – Covey Jencks, fiction novel, Southern Owl Publications
2007 – Inside Higher Education, “Learning from Tragedy,” May 24
2007 – Washed in the Blood, non-fiction novel, Zone Press Publishing Company
2007 – The Summer of 66, non-fiction novel, Zone Press
2006 – “Considering Nuclear Earth Penetrators,” American Center for International Policy Studies
2005 – “Citizen Diplomacy in the 1995 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference,” in Multilateral Diplomacy in the Post Cold War United Nations, Westview Press (revised and updated)
2001 – “Newsday,” The Bush-Putin Talks on ABM, July 27
2001 – “Facts on File,” UN Encyclopedia, articles on arms control and disarmament
1972 – Nonproliferation in International Politics: The Japanese Case, University of Denver Social Science Foundation, Monograph Series in World Affairs
1969 – The U.S., India, and the Bomb, Johns Hopkins Press


2009 – Alumni Service Award, Austin College
2008 – Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, Austin College
2004 – Named Leslie B. Crane Chair of Leadership
1999 – Named Jno. D. Moseley Chair of Government and Public Policy
1998 – Homer P. Rainey Award for Outstanding Achievement and Service to Austin College
1998 – Austin College Nominee for CASE National Professor of the Year 1995-96 – William C. Foster Visiting Fellow, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA)
1996 – Outstanding Achievement Award, ACDA, for work associated with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
1996 – Superior Honor Award, ACDA, for accomplishments at the
1995 Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference
1987 – North Texas Phi Beta Kappa “Professor of the Year” nominee
1976 – Minnie Stephens Piper Award as one of ten outstanding Professors in Texas


Shelton L. Williams
The Osgood Center
1629 K Street, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
202-349-1698, x11698 (O)
301-704-5538 (C)