2021 Onsite Presidential Inauguration Program

January 10-21, 2021


The Osgood Center is preparing two options for our Presidential Inauguration Program. One is the ON-SITE Presidential Program and will be available if health authorities allow it. Otherwise or perhaps in addition to this option, we will offer at a lower cost a VIRTUAL Presidential Program that can be accessed remotely. A third option of housing-only for five nights in a suite hotel, Jan. 16-21, 2021 is also available. Please inquire if you would prefer that option.”

The Osgood Center for International Studies invites your institution to participate in an academic seminar that revolves around the historic 2021 presidential inauguration. This quadrennial event is one of the most important events in American history that is celebrated by hundreds of thousands of people who come to D.C. to witness history-in-the-making. With a highly competitive election set to take place interest is running high, but regardless of the winner, reserve your space for the unique opportunity to celebrate this very special event on the National Mall and at special inaugural activities.

What is unique about this inauguration program is that the Osgood Center consults with faculty attending the program with their students in order to cover preferred topics and help arrange site visits if requested that fit their academic focus. Whether this involves an emphasis on politics, domestic policy, foreign policy, the role of the media and interest groups, various public policy issues or even the arts and humanities, we often can arrange appropriate activities to suit your preferences.

Program Schedule

WEEK ONE: The schedule involves check-in on Sunday, January 10, with a visit to the National Mall on Monday afternoon. Osgood Center morning speaker sessions are scheduled Monday through Friday. Speakers will include experts in the history and traditions of presidential inaugurations, political campaigns, presidential-congressional relations, politics and the media, and if relevant, presidential transitions or presidential second terms. There will also be a focus on some of the major public policy issues that the next president will likely face in the next four years. Afternoons are reserved for faculty-arranged small group meetings for reflection as well as site visits to places such as Capitol Hill, special inauguration exhibits at the Smithsonian, and related sites. Assistance is available from the Osgood Center if requested. The Osgood Center will also arrange for some special briefings for the group, and a reception or other special evening event for the group. There will be much more to do than there is time, but we’ll be able to guide and prepare you the first week for the upcoming celebrations (and counter-celebrations) that will be going on.

WEEK TWO: Monday, January 18 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, often used as a day of service. Service opportunities can be suggested for your group as the day is free for all participants. Tuesday is being left open for now, so as not to conflict with any public inaugural events. Wednesday, January 20 is the day of the inauguration, the inaugural parade and many evening events. Check-out is by noon on Thursday, Jan. 21.

Please note: The Osgood Center cannot provide tickets to inauguration events and activities. Based on many years of experience, we can provide advice to program participants on how to successfully obtain access to these events.

Program Options and Details

Early Bird Pricing
Invoiced prior to October 15 and paid by November 15

Price: $995 per student
Early Bird Discounted Price: $700 per student

Pricing after Oct. 1, 2020
Invoiced on or after Oct. 15 and paid by December 1

Regular Price: $995 per student

Substitutions may be allowed if feasible until Dec. 31, 2020.

Housing for 11 nights: Final housing costs may not be determined until the summer or fall of 2020. We expect the cost will be approximately in the range of averaging $55-60 per night per person in a shared room with up to 3 people. Singles for faculty may be in the average range of $200 per night.

There is no program charge for the faculty, but they are charged the cost of housing. Food, transportation and other personal expenses are also not included. Arrangements can be made to arrive a day earlier or depart a day later based on the best room rate available to the Osgood Center.

Deadlines and Payments

Reservations (via email) from institutions will be accepted until spaces are filled. We are limiting the program to under 100 students and faculty. Past experience indicates this program will be filled by early fall, so we urge your institution to reserve space to avoid being placed on a waiting list. Institutions that reserve spaces prior to October 1, 2020 will receive the Early Bird Pricing.

Payment in full is required no later than Dec. 11, 2020 unless other arrangements are made. Requests (in writing via email) for a full refund minus a $150 administrative fee are possible until December 11, 2020. No refunds are available for any reason after that date. To avoid disappointment due to illness, inclement weather, change of plans, etc., we encourage participants to consider travel insurance. Substitutions may be allowed if feasible by December 31, 2020.

About The Osgood Center

The Osgood Center is a non-profit educational organization that offers short-term experiential learning programs for college students in the U.S. and around the globe.

At the Osgood Center, our mission is to advance understanding of public affairs and contemporary international and domestic issues. We positively affect the lives of our participants and prepare them to be better global citizens through quality educational experiences that emphasize short-term active engagement and experiential learning programs such as academic seminars and internships. Our vision is a generation of young people who strive to understand public policy issues and work to find creative solutions to global problems.

Dr. Shelton Williams and Dr. Eugene Alpert, president and vice president, respectively, of the Osgood Center, have been planning presidential inauguration programs since the 1980s. Our contacts and familiarity with procedures and protocols will serve as an invaluable resource for those attending this program versus coming on one’s own to D.C.

We are known for the personal attention we provide our program participants and for the customized instructional model that we utilize to help them achieve their academic and career goals. We strive to make our programs affordable and accessible with attention paid to the special interests of our students and faculty.

For more information and to make reservations, contact us at:

Eugene J. Alpert, Ph.D.
Vice President
The Osgood Center for International Studies
1629 K St, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC, 20006
Email: alpert@osgoodcenter.org
Phone: 202-349-1698, X11698

Continuity and Change in American Leadership 2020

Two Weeks: Jan. 5-18, 2020
One Week: Jan. 5-11, 2020 or Jan. 12-18, 2020

January Leadership Program

A new era in American politics and international relations is presenting the U.S. with profound challenges to established approaches to education, business, journalism, politics, diplomacy and even science. This program brings together leading journalists, analysts, diplomats, professionals, and educators to examine the significance of the times and to explore what is new, what is ephemeral, and what is lasting. Informed speakers, visits to Washington institutions, and diverse student participation will make this a unique experiential learning opportunity for tomorrow’s leaders.

The Osgood Center for International Studies invites your institution to participate in an academic seminar that past participants have said has transformed their views of our nation’s most important issues, inspired them to follow in the footsteps of leaders they admire, and dedicate themselves to an action-oriented future in society. The diverse program appeals to students in all major fields and all college levels from freshmen to recent graduates, including honors students.

Why this Osgood Center Program?

The Osgood Center consults with faculty in order to cover preferred topics and to help arrange site visits that fit their academic focus. Whether this involves an emphasis on politics, domestic policy, foreign policy, the role of the media and interest groups, various public policy issues or even the arts and humanities or sciences, we often can arrange appropriate activities to suit your preferences. This is YOUR program, one that we develop with your input. We keep the size of the program reasonable so most students are able to ask their questions and interact with the speakers. Staff are easily accessible and students are able to interact more with those from other institutions.

Past site visits have included the Capitol Hill Visitors Center, Offices of Members of Congress, visits with alumni in their places of work, Smithsonian museums, Library of Congress, the White House, and embassies. Also, some groups have arranged a community service activity during the program.

Program Components

We begin the program with a Sunday evening orientation, a Monday morning icebreaker and a keynote speaker. Then we visit the major D.C. sights on the National Mall and a reception with a speaker usually during week two. We will generally provide two speaker sessions in the morning and allow the faculty time to arrange site visits in the afternoon on their own or with our assistance. Time will be available for small group meetings for discussion and reflection. Special site visits in lieu of some of the morning presentations will likely be arranged to visit locations that the public often cannot arrange on their own.

Program Schedule

To accommodate various types of academic calendars, we are offering both a two-week program-ideal for Jan Term schools-or a one-week program for those institutions not quite starting their spring semester. Also, accommodations are often available before and after the program for institutions seeking to arrange their own additional instructional time

Two-week program
Jan. 5-18, 2020
Program Cost: $750

One-Week Program
Jan. 5-11, 2020 or Jan. 12-18, 2020
Program Cost: $500 per week

Very affordable and attractive housing options are available. Please contact us for more information.

There is no program charge for the faculty, but they are responsible for the cost of their housing. Food, transportation and other personal expenses are also not included.

Deadlines & Payments

Reservations (via email) from institutions will be accepted until spaces are filled. Deadline for applications is December 6, 2019, but registrations may still be accepted if space is available. Housing costs may increase after our room block expires in November, so we encourage early applications and early invoicing.

Payment in full is required by December 13, 2019 unless other arrangements are made. Housing payment may be required at an earlier time to guarantee rates. Requests (in writing via email) for a full refund minus a $150 administrative fee are possible until December 13, 2019. No refunds are available for any reason after that date. To avoid disappointment due to illness, inclement weather, change of plans, etc., we encourage participants to consider travel insurance. Substitutions from the same school may be allowed after Dec. 13 if feasible.

The Osgood Center Difference

Dr. Shelton Williams and Dr. Eugene Alpert, president and vice president, respectively, of the Osgood Center have been leading academic seminar programs since the 1980s. Our contacts and familiarity with procedures and protocols serve as an invaluable resource for those attending this program and help ensure that Washington’s resources become fully accessible to those with diverse interests.

About The Osgood Center

The Osgood Center is a non-profit educational organization that offers short-term experiential learning programs for college students in the U.S. and around the globe.

At the Osgood Center, our mission is to advance understanding of public affairs and contemporary international and domestic issues. We positively affect the lives of our participants and prepare them to be better global citizens through quality educational experiences that emphasize short-term active engagement and experiential learning programs such as academic seminars and internships. Our vision is a generation of young people who strive to understand public policy issues and work to find creative solutions to global problems.

We are known for the personal attention we provide our program participants and for the customized instructional model that we utilize to help them achieve their academic and career goals. We welcome college students and recent graduates in all major fields.

For more information and to make reservations, contact us at:

Eugene J. Alpert, Ph.D.
Vice President
The Osgood Center for International Studies
1629 K St, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC, 20006
Email: alpert@osgoodcenter.org
Phone: 202-349-1698, X11698

2019 Summer Symposium: America’s Role in the World

Join us July 28 through August 8, 2019 in Washington, D.C.

Summer Institute

The program offers an in-depth, interactive analysis of the evolution of US Foreign Policy, international economics, and current issues in international affairs. At the end of the program, students will have a far better understanding of international affairs and what next steps they must take to forge a career path in this field. Many networking options are available. Don’t miss out on this great value-added experience! Great for careers in the international arena!

Visit think tanks, international institutions, and government agencies located in Washington, D.C., such as the Brookings Institution, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Hudson Institute, the Woodrow Wilson Center for International scholars, the Department of State, embassies, the IMF, the World Bank and more.

Featured lectures will be given by distinguished experts, government officials, and many other high-ranking experts. Participants will also meet admissions officials, former students and professors from programs at George Washington’s Elliott School, Georgetown Walsh School, Johns Hopkins SAIS, and the American University School of International Service.

Scholarships Available: The deadline for scholarship applications is April 1, 2019.
Program Fee: $2,095 or any one week at $845. Group discounts available.
Housing Available: Shared hotel rooms in Foggy Bottom, $675.
Applications: Accepted on a rolling basis. See the Application Form.

For more information, please contact us: The Osgood Center for International Studies 1629 K St, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC, 20006 Email: swilliams@osgoodcenter.org or call: 202-349-1698, X11698

Washington Experience

Leadership & Professional Development Program

The Osgood Center Washington Experience is a personalized, academic leadership and professional development program that includes an internship, academic coursework, an experiential education seminar and leadership training. The purpose is to enhance a student’s academic, career, and personal goals to prepare for leadership in the professional world. Of all U.S. cities, Washington, D.C. is among the very best places for a college students to gain new confidence and leadership abilities to make valuable contributions to society in their chosen field.

The Program

The Osgood Center Leadership and Professional Development Program places students in various institutions in the D.C. area for substantive work and experiential learning. Placements are based on student interest and qualifications, contingent on site supervisor selection. Students normally intern four days (32-36 hours) a week. The Osgood Center oversees and monitors the internship and also offers a weekly academic seminar, leadership training, and professional development opportunities. A variety of social activities complement the experience so students can make the most of their time in the nation’s capital. Secure, convenient, and affordable housing options near a Washington Metro station are also available.

The Internship

Pre-arranged Placements: The Osgood Center arranges placements for you based on your application and personal contact regarding your interests and preferences. Some placements, such as the White House, State Department, and Capitol Hill offices may have earlier deadlines, so please let us know your interest well in advance so we can advise you of the need to plan and apply early. Also, if the deadline has passed, we may have some flexibility to accept additional applications depending upon your placement interests.

Potential Placements: There are literally thousands of internships available in Washington at any time. The challenge is to find the right one for you. That’s what we do. The Osgood Center is experienced at finding suitable placements, but whether your internship is a successful one or not depends upon what you would like to do at your internship. That is why it is important for you to speak to us to discuss your interests, goals, and skills as well as your aspirations. Think about the kind of environment you would like to work in and whether you might prefer being part of a team in a public policy advocacy group, a consulting business, or one of hundreds of government agencies in the city. Once you express your preferences, we’ll go to work on your behalf.


Academic Rigor: The Osgood Center offers academic coursework for students based on their academic study plan and school requirements. In addition, there is a weekly two-hour internship seminar that invokes reflective learning and discovery according to established experiential education pedagogies. Students must arrange academic credit through their home institution. Students also submit an evaluation packet that documents the achievement of their self-study plan and their academic, career, and personal goals, which is the product of the internship seminar. The Osgood Center provides a full written evaluation to the student’s home institution along with a final recommended grade.


Leadership development: Throughout the internship, students will be involved in networking, participation at special events, lectures, and discussions, and visits to various embassies in Washington as part of the Osgood leadership development program. Every student participates in the Osgood Center’s Washington orientation and receives personal attention throughout the term to ensure that each is well prepared and that the programming is relevant to each student’s goals and developing leadership interests.


Program dates: Internships are available during the winter, spring, summer, and fall terms or semesters. Terms are generally 8-10 weeks, while semesters are generally 13-16 weeks. The start and end dates are flexible, based upon the institution’s semester or term calendar. Please contact us to verify the dates for the term you wish to attend. Application and Scholarship Deadlines: Summer: March 15; Fall: May 15; Winter/Spring: November 15. After these dates, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until positions are filled.


U.S. and International Students Attending a U.S. Institution: To qualify, a student must have at least rising junior standing (unless stated otherwise by the provider) and must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75. A student must be in good standing with the sending institution and must provide one letter of reference from someone on campus who knows you well. See the online application form.


If your institution is paying the program fee and is being billed directly, there is no application fee. Students who apply and are responsible for the program fee should submit a $50 application fee, which is credited toward the cost of the program. The application fee is not refundable. See the Payment Protocol.


Scholarship awards are available to help reduce the cost of the program for a student and usually range between $250 and $500. To be considered, please include a 100 word statement explaining the need for a scholarship with your application. Program fees paid by an institution do not qualify for a scholarship unless a prior arrangement has been made.

The Osgood Center is a partner of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS). Any Washington Experience participant who is a member of an honor society that is a member of ACHS will automatically receive a $500 scholarship, deducted from the cost of the program, unless other financial assistance from the Osgood Center in this amount or higher is awarded. For more information, please visit the ACHS Website.

Program Fee

The program fee for students on a semester calendar (from 11 to 16 weeks): $4,995 The program fee for students on a term calendar (up to 10 weeks) is: $3,995. The cost of housing is additional. Please inquire if you desire to learn more about affordable Osgood Center housing options. These are usually shared bedroom apartments near a Metro station in a secure building and comparable to other Washington, D.C. professional-style internship housing options. Program fees are billed to a student’s home institution according to prior arrangements with that institution. Students responsible for paying the program fee on their own must pay the full program fee no later than 5 days prior to the established check in date.

Program fee includes: Pre-arrival consultation and preparation; placement, orientation, placement site monitoring, customized academic assignments and consultations, experiential education seminar, special tours and briefings, final evaluations and student services.

Refund Policy

Once a student has accepted a placement with the Osgood Center and subsequently drops the program by submitting a written notice, the student is responsible for half the cost of the program fee, regardless of whether one’s institution had originally intended to pay for the program or not. Once a student has checked into the Osgood Center program, the student is responsible for the full cost of the program fee, regardless of whether one’s institution had originally intended to pay for the program or not.

The Osgood Center Washington Experience

The Osgood Center Washington Experience is designed for students seeking a customized experience to meet their own professional, academic, and personal goals. We want our interns to hit the ground running, so the Osgood Center takes special care to ensure that the experience of its students match their high expectations to make the most out of their time in the nation’s capital. Led by experienced academicians with practical experience in the professional world, the Osgood Center prides itself on working closely with each student. We help each student develop a self-study plan and evaluation folder that can be used to not only document one’s learning for academic credit, but also to demonstrate the professional advances that often result in enhanced leadership skills.

Washington, D.C.: Intern City

If there is an internship capital, it is Washington, D.C. If there is a city where youth have extraordinary power, authority, and influence, it is Washington, D.C. The District of Columbia is host to thousands of interns each semester and tens of thousands in the summer. It is an extraordinary place to network, to make new friends, have once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and to watch (or be a part of) history in the making. With one of the best educated populations in the world, Washington is a place where you begin to synthesize all you learned from your college education and recognize the alternative paths to your future leadership endeavors. The Osgood Center welcomes you to Washington to be a part of the excitement this city generates.

For more information:

The Osgood Center for International Studies
1629 K St, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC, 20006
Email: swilliams@osgoodcenter.org
Phone: 202-349-1698, X11698

Osgood Center Receives Award

Osgood Center for International Studies, Inc. Receives 2018 Best of Washington Award

Washington Award Program Honors the Achievement

WASHINGTON November 1, 2018 — Osgood Center for International Studies, Inc. has been selected for the 2018 Best of Washington Award in the Education & Training Services category by the Washington Award Program.

Each year, the Washington Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Washington area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2018 Washington Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Washington Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Washington Award Program

The Washington Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Washington area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Washington Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community’s contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Washington Award Program
CONTACT: Washington Award Program
Email: PublicRelations@companyrecognition.org
URL: http://www.companyrecognition.org